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Digital Provinces, Chinese Fourth Industrial Revolution (5G, Huawei)

Huawei is the leading telecommunications distributor and manufacturer and has diversified into consumer electronics such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. 


Huawei leads China’s smartphone market and even briefly assumed the global summit in April 2020. 


Huawei leads 5G R&D and the global 5G smartphone market and with SMIC is spearheading China's semiconductor self-sufficiency that will achieve 5nm chip capability by 2024.


Huawei has constructed much of China’s 5G infrastructure with adoption also in numerous countries such as Russia, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and Turkey. 

Its vision is to bring “digital to every person, home, and organization” and its flagship store in Shanghai has a futuristic smart city display exhibition. 

Find out more about Huawei and the future of Chinese innovation in Digital Provinces Guide: Countdown to the Chinese CenturyDawn of the Digital Dragon Dynasty: Countdown to the Chinese Century, and Dawn of the Digital Dragon Dynasty: Chinese Companies e-books in Shop.

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